Important Wheat Harvest Information
Jun 15, 2020

Important Wheat Harvest Information
Scalehouses will continue to be closed to the public. The staff will communicate and hand tickets through doors/windows. (Truck drivers may exit their vehicles but will need to maintain a 6' minimum distance between themselves and co-op employees.)
Therefore we will continue doing much of our business as normal. Having said that and following our local officials in the move to Phase 1.5, we will be opening our doors for those that must speak to someone in person starting June 1st.
For our offices, when possible, please continue utilizing the phone as a way to handle grain divisions and selling grain orders. If meeting in person, we would encourage you to call the person you are needing to get ahold of and schedule an appointment with them. We will have designated meeting spaces in order to facilitiate appropriate social distancing guidelines, and appointments will help us know who to expect and help you in not having long wait times. Walk-ins will be accepted, but appointments will take priority. Our office occupancy will be limited so if there are too many customers at once, we will ask you to please wait in your vehicle until we text you or come get you.
We will provide you with optional masks and hand sanitizer at all of our locations.
You can find contact information for our departments here:
We apologize for any inconvenience. These proactive measures are being put in place to protect our customers, our employees and our communities.
We appreciate your business and your cooperation.