Leave the Checkbooks at Home: Donate Bushels to Support Local Charities

Aug 12, 2024

By Trevor Hands, Director of Communications

Did you know?  Farmers have a unique opportunity to give back to their communities by donating bushels of grain instead of cash. Farmers who donate grain to local charities can exclude the sale of the grain from their taxable income, potentially creating significant tax savings. This method not only supports charitable causes, but also provides financial benefits to the donors.

If the charity of your choice has an account with GCC, the process is straightforward:
  • Indicate with your GCC grain team how many bushels you want to transfer to your chosen charity.
  • Provide the charity with a copy of the transfer details, including the number of bushels transferred to their account.
  • Upon transfer, the charity receives 100% ownership and assumes all risks associated with the grain, including storage costs and market price fluctuations.
  • When the charity decides to sell the grain, they will need to contact GCC to initiate the sale.
If your charity of choice does not have an account, have them reach out to a member of our grain team to get an account set up. 

This innovative approach allows farmers to make a meaningful impact without the need to write a check. However, it’s essential to consult with your tax advisor to understand how this donation strategy affects your personal tax situation. By donating bushels, you can support local causes while potentially saving on taxes, making it a win-win for everyone involved!

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Sep 11, 2024

GCC will be holding a sealed bid auction on used vehicles (located at the main office at 106 N. 6th Street) as well as used auto shop tools (located at 302 US 54 in Hooker, Oklahoma).  
Bidding opens on Monday, September 16th and ends on Friday, October 4th.  

Each bidder is responsible for conducting, at their own risk, their own inspections, inquiries, and due diligence concerning the property.  Please have all financial arrangements made prior to submitting your sealed bid.  All sales are final and no refunds will be accepted. Click for more information.

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You will be receiving or should have received a letter in the mail about proposed changes to the Articles & Bylaws that will be voted on during this year's Annual Meeting on December 10th.  
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All GCC employees and farmer-members are invited to our upcoming Open House event at the new River Valley Terminal! This exclusive gathering is a chance to get to tour and see your new facility!